Animal Rehab With Joy

Improving the welfare, comfort, and performance of your animals

Veterinary Physiotherapy & McTimoney Chiropractic

Animal Rehab With Joy is run by me, Joy. I’m an Inverness based vet physio and animal rehab provider, with mobile services across the Scottish Highlands.

I’m here to help improve your dogs’ or horses’ wellbeing and mobility.

Treatments I offer

All assessments include a detailed case history, static and dynamic assessment and whole body palpation.

This provides a complete analysis of what your dog or horse may be experiencing, and can help identify areas of dysfunction, hyper mobility or restriction.

I’m skilled in a variety of treatment techniques. After carrying out a thorough assessment of your animal, I typically use a combination of the following approaches in order to help with any problems identified:

  • Treatments include a wide variety of different massage and soft tissue techniques, joint mobilisations or manipulations, myofascial release and stretches

  • Including infrared laser

    • Helps to promote tissue healing

    • Relieves pain

    • Reduces inflammation

    • Injury recovery

  • Individual exercise programmes are utilised to help to encourage :

    • Correct movement patterns

    • Improve muscle strength, endurance, suppleness

    • Improve proprioception (the animal's awareness of where its limbs and body are in space)

    • Improve balance and stability as may be required. 

  • Frequently owners may need additional advice on therapeutic handling of their injured animal, or perhaps how to make appropriate adaptations to an animal's home environment and general management in order to assist in their rehabilitation.

“Joy has helped me rehab my horse after a stifle injury and I can honestly say I wouldn’t have been able to do it without her and our check ins. The aftercare after her visits is just phenomenal!”

Connie, Client

Get in touch

And let’s get your four-legged friends moving again.