Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important and this policy is designed to stay inline with current data protection regulations.
The personal data that Joy Darrah will collect from you will include data relating to your name, address and contact details, details relating to the animal being treated, including its veterinary history and any relevant clinical history, its previous and current health, performance and relevant treatment information.
This data will be securely held on a password protected computer and kept for 7 years (or longer if the practitioner/client relationship is ongoing with the specific animal).
Contact details will only be used by the forenamed for communication with yourself. Other information will be used as a record of your animal and any changes that may occur in their health, well-being or performance.
You have the right to request access to this information and have the right to ask it to be erased.
Should you have a complaint, you have the right to request contact details of the supervising authority / Association in order to lodge this.
Information will be shared as necessary with the animal's vet in accordance with the permission given above.
Information may be requested by and provided to an insurance company in relation to a claim.
Information will only be shared with other professionals or persons with your prior consent.