
Signs that your dog may need a treatment:

  • Crying out when getting up

  • Difficulty climbing stairs or getting into cars

  • Signs of discomfort when being stroked on their backs

  • A reluctance to exercise

  • Stiffness or pain after exercise

  • Changes in behaviour 

  • Abnormal posture

  • Asymmetrical muscle development

  • Sitting crooked, not square or one sided

  • Decline in performance, enthusiasm or endurance – not wanting to play as often

  • Lameness

  • Pain

  • Shortened stride

  • Stiffness especially in the mornings, cold or after exercise

  • Weight shifting

Common Canine Conditions that Benefit from treatment:

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia

  • Cruciate ligament injuries

  • Neurological conditions

  • Lameness and gait abnormalities

  • Post surgery rehabilitation

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Wound healing 

Case studies:


Nigel is a year and a half old.

He has had an operation on each elbow for elbow dysplasia and an operation on his shoulder for osteochondritis dissecans (OCD).

Nigel is getting physiotherapy to help strengthen his forelimbs, core and help with his rehabilitation.

His owner has noticed improvements in his strength and recovery with treatments.


Jojo is a Romanian rescue who is thought to be 13 years old. Jojo started coming for treatment because she has been struggling with her mobility with her hind limbs.

Her owner noticed a big improvement after just one session along with a home exercise program